Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sleep Junkie Withdrawal, Night Six

Wow. I am by nature a sleep junkie. See former post "Sleep Is My Drug Of Choice." It’s taken me several decades to finally have any kind of sympathy for friends of mine who complain of insomnia – something that’s really never been a problem for me for more than one or two nights, tops. And yet, here it is. Payback’s a bitch.

I do not like this, Sam I Am. Nope, not at all. I called my daughter by my dog's name. Sasha sounds nothing like Gus, nor do they resemble each other in the least. Drove through a red light because I got lost in my own singing TO A MILEY CYRUS SONG (I'm truly insane), only to have a mom with triplets in a van follow me, demanding that I pull over, which I didn't. Mainly because I don't appear to have a very good command of the English language right now and what the hell, was she going to do - make me walk a straight line while touching my finger to my nose?

Oops, maybe I knew her from high school and she wanted to say hi...? Nah.

I met with a colleague today at Barnes & Noble to talk about setting up self-employment and about the book I'm writing. We sat in those comfy chairs that you sink down in (the ones that probably have cooties in them) and I caught my head bobbing while she was talking, like, with a little bit of drool burbling down from the left side of my mouth. I sure wish I would have taped that meeting. And, ech, now I'm itching all over...

I'm exhausted, ready for bed, it's 9:30, right? I will fall asleep around 11:00ish and the quality will be somewhat light in nature and then 2:30 or 3:00 will come and WHAP, I'm done. My eyes flip up like curtains being yanked open by a drawstring and that's it. I read, I write, watch TV, I play Samurai Sudoku, and, let me tell you, my fantasy life is getting a freaking workout, you know?

These visitations from the P.M. Wide Awake Fairy better be over soon or I'm going to end up sitting at Game Night with my friends in a wheelchair grunting spittle-laden answers from a dark corner of the room.

I just want to take this opportunity to apologize to all my insomniac friends who have attempted to get my attention with stories of their suffering while I ordered yet another cup of coffee at dinner, smiling my way home to bed. This sucks.

Today, I can't wait to be grateful again for sleep.

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