I do not like this, Sam I Am. Nope, not at all. I called my daughter by my dog's name. Sasha sounds nothing like Gus, nor do they resemble each other in the least. Drove through a red light because I got lost in my own singing TO A MILEY CYRUS SONG (I'm truly insane), only to have a mom with triplets in a van follow me, demanding that I pull over, which I didn't. Mainly because I don't appear to have a very good command of the English language right now and what the hell, was she going to do - make me walk a straight line while touching my finger to my nose?
Oops, maybe I knew her from high school and she wanted to say hi...? Nah.
I met with a colleague today at Barnes & Noble to talk about setting up self-employment and about the book I'm writing. We sat in those comfy chairs that you sink down in (the ones that probably have cooties in them) and I caught my head bobbing while she was talking, like, with a little bit of drool burbling down from the left side of my mouth. I sure wish I would have taped that meeting. And, ech, now I'm itching all over...
I'm exhausted, ready for bed, it's 9:30, right? I will fall asleep around 11:00ish and the quality will be somewhat light in nature and then 2:30 or 3:00 will come and WHAP, I'm done. My eyes flip up like curtains being yanked open by a drawstring and that's it. I read, I write, watch TV, I play Samurai Sudoku, and, let me tell you, my fantasy life is getting a freaking workout, you know?
These visitations from the P.M. Wide Awake Fairy better be over soon or I'm going to end up sitting at Game Night with my friends in a wheelchair grunting spittle-laden answers from a dark corner of the room.
I just want to take this opportunity to apologize to all my insomniac friends who have attempted to get my attention with stories of their suffering while I ordered yet another cup of coffee at dinner, smiling my way home to bed. This sucks.
Today, I can't wait to be grateful again for sleep.
Oh, I am so with you!