May I be safe from the dangers of the world
May I enjoy good health, prosperity and a generous heart
Navigating Lightening Bolts
Mapping The Fields of Gravity
Nancy Jordet Falsberg
They gave my mother six months to live. It was 1998 and she was 69 years old, newly diagnosed with metastatic malignant melanoma, or skin cancer. She laughed and lived seven more years.
The women in my family have always been hard to kill.
My grandmother, Valborg, of good hearty Danish stock, lived to 94, despite her unwavering devotion to Jesus, the Book of Revelation and the daily signs she passionately shared with us that pointed directly toward the end of the world. Ninety-four years must have been one helluva long time to live with a sense of impending doom, but she did it. And without a scratch.
The Sense of Impending Doom appears to be a genetic predisposition for the women sharing in my gene pool. I am beginning to believe that my true purpose on earth is to put an end to that cellular chain of command, both for myself and for the sake of my daughter, Sasha, although she’ll probably have to carry on with my work considering what she’s already lived through in her short years here. The glass is going to be half full, dammit, and I’m not giving up on faith in that principle. I’m not going to let go of that belief no matter what happens, but I’m here to tell you that hopefully, I’m going to learn let go of just about everything else before it’s over.

I'm just grateful I'm writing at all.
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