I'm not going to word or reword it over again so that I don't ask for it with the wrong stipulation in it so we have to go over this all over again. You know what I want. Just give it to me - what's the big deal? Does everything have to have a lesson in it? Does everything have to be about teaching me something or about Who's in charge of the Universe and Who knows better than whom? I mean, I'm even capitalizing for You!
Just give me what I want!!
Things are getting a little cruel here if you ask me. I don't know what to do and You sure as hell aren't giving me any hints, or if You are they're in such teensy little places that only the fly in my office can see them or they're so high-pitched that only my dog can hear them and quite frankly, I don't speak fly or dog and I don't want to! Do You find this is still necessary after all this time? Get a grip!
Just give me what I want!
I know what I want and I'm tired of pretending that I don't so that You can have room to fit Your opinion in. Fuck humble. If what I want is so completely screwed up then let me find out on my own, would You?! I can handle the highly improbable pain of disappointment and/or failure - You of all Beings know that as You've graciously allowed me plenty of opportunities to test that theory - so hand it over to me to unravel on my own then!
Just give me what I want!
Or maybe You could see fit to just give it to me straight, free and clear, without the need to untangle or unravel. Maybe what I want isn't screwed up at all and maybe it really is the right thing for me and I can handle all of it and I can live a life like so many other people seem to around me - how the hell am I ever going to know if you don't
Just Give Me What I Want!
What am I grateful for today? You Already Know!!
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