Please. Do you know how many times I've been broken up with either on or right before Valentine's Day? Oy, the drama! How could The One do this?!
Well he couldn't. He wouldn't.
This year I'm not in a relationship and after spending the day listening to several of my friends (including myself for a good half hour) lament their singlehood, I have decided to spend my evening in gratitude. And you know why I'm grateful?
Because I'd rather be alone than in a relationship that's not working. Been there, done that.
There's plenty of time to find someone I want to shave my legs again for. For the time being, I think I'll just practice loving Me.

Yes and yes...I hear you sister! Once upon a time when I was young and dinosaurs roamed the earth, a man asked me to marry him on Valentine’s Day (actually he proposed the day after, because I was in my usual bad mood on Valentine's Day). I thought that would be the end of my pretending to ignore the 14th of February. But as they say in Brooklyn, au contraire. Twenty-plus years of marriage later, I had a cupboard full of empty vases from the flowers he’d sent on Valentine’s Day…also birthdays, anniversaries, Mothers’ Days, etc., because he was happily living his life without me someplace else. I’ve been out of that marriage for three years now and I say, here’s to Single Awareness Day… which is so much funner than Loneliness Awareness Day or Rejection Awareness Day. AND, if I take a moment to move beyond Merry’s Angst Awareness Day, I want to remember that I’m grateful for the fact that-- at least here in Washington State--men who love men and women who love women CAN propose to each other and get married (God help them) any old day. Life is full when I don’t have to keep track of the empties…