How childish does that sound? But it's true, I don't. I met her 12 years ago when I moved to Seattle and my first impression has had staying power. She was at a dinner where my then-husband and I were. She caught a glimpse of David and totally wigged out on him. Apparently she is certain that he did something unforgivable when he was six.
Who didn't?
I didn't see her again until a couple of years later, at a meeting of all places, and she was glad to know that I wasn't happy. That's exactly what she said to me.
I don't like her.
I managed to not see her for several more years somehow and then, bam, there she is again. Now she is smack dab in the middle of my circle of relatively new friends. And they like her.
She's one of those people who has to sit yogically on a public sofa, making every place her living room, stretching and writhing as others are talking, needing to be at least the visual focus in a room. And I cringe as I can feel my head physically shaking back and forth - stop it Nancy - wondering what my problem is.
I don't like her.
She came up to me a couple months ago and told me that she was now ready to be my friend, that she felt she had had enough time to watch me and listen and that she decided that she would see if we would work.
I hadn't even realized she was there. And then I began to see her around. And every time I looked up she was looking at me. Then she told me, after calling me once in a month, that she had decided that she was going to give up on us being friends. It just wasn't going to work for her.
And now she's everywhere. Every time I turn around, seemingly every place I go, there she is. And she's still watching me. What's my lesson here? Am I losing it?
No. She's just become painfully obvious. You know, I don't NOT like many people. George Bush for one. Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck. Maybe Mike. I strive for compassion and understanding, trying to cut the next guy (and myself) and break.
But I just don't like her.
Do I need to?
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