I've always been a pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps kind of woman, having been raised by a backyard-bra-burning feminist, and have taken great pride in this. And while I certainly still respect her, and thank the gods that I could tap into her and all her strength and stamina when I've needed to, I think it's time for Wonderwoman to punch out for a nice long lunch.
It's time to stop surviving and start living.
What do I mean by this? Hell if I know, but you can be sure I'm committed to finding out. My guess is that it means lowering my shoulders and letting down my ever-vigilant guard. Stepping out of the well-protected bunker that is my comfort zone and taking new and different chances, learning new and different things. Seeing my life as it already is through a slightly different bend in the prism, maybe a pretty one this time. I mean, I'm always the one praying to see what's already right in front of my face, right?
I remember when Sasha started Kindergarten and they announced her little group as belonging to the Class of 2015. I thought that was hilarious, like 2015 was some unreachable, George Jetson kind of place in the outer reaches of time and space.

Well, hello 2012, you three-years-before-Sasha-graduates little year. You sure have caught me by surprise, creeping up so fast, but I swear, I'm ready for ya - and anything GOOD you have to dish out!