Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Have A Dream

I had a dream this morning.

I have met, gone out with and fallen in love with someone I don't quite know yet.

I have received my portion of the settlement of the lawsuit, somewhere in the neighborhood of one to two million dollars. I pay off my house. I invest.

As I continue to work, now part time, I research and enroll in college. I work, I study, I learn, most particularly that I am in love with learning and am eternally thankful for my chance to finally be a part of it all.

I write and write and write.

I am healthy without being deprived. I let go of my self-consciousness and self-obsession and physically become the person I am meant to be.

Life unfolds and I am acutely and gratefully present and accounted for.

I had a dream this morning and was fully awake for it.

I had never had a dream before this dream. I had never allowed it.

And so. Finally. I have a dream.

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