No. She's bored. They call me from her school shrink's office for a discussion of this alleged boredom to tell me that "Sasha would benefit greatly from a private school education." Really? Sounds like a capital idea. Do they take food stamps?
As I sit here and ponder this, I start to think about my own situation and find that the parallels are astounding. Over the past [mumble mumble] years I have visited the offices of several career counselors and coaches, taken many assessments, and each time walked away with pretty much the same findings. That I should really be sitting in a CEO situation, me having "big picture" vision, intuitive strategic insight, and individual and group coaching talents.
Well, this is just great! Now I know what to do with my life! I'll just go and apply for CEO somewhere and give lots of references of friends and colleagues who believe the same about me, the number being many. I should be making six figures by the end of the.....
Not so fast, okay? There's that ladder you have to climb. And you have to sit for a while on each rung, right? And what's happened to me, as I see it now, is that, while I'm great at the top, I'm not so good at the quarter-way mark. Them rungs is slippery and sticky and honestly, I'm not too good at them. Which is where I find myself again, for the umpteenth time. Stuck on a rung, wondering why I suck at my job, don't understand what's going on and am bored to death.
Now, I know what my boss should do. The expression of this insight, however, does not make me very popular, not with my boss nor with my peers. I should be doing my own job, right? But my job is not holding my interest and cannot be done to its finest extent unless my boss does what I believe I know he should.
So now what?
It's like my kid, who could really be teaching high school math but is in 8th grade - we both have to buckle down and do what's right in front of us, do it to the best of our abilities and stay present.
Blast it, it's that present moment thing again! The spiritual nature of life being that the "magic's in the moment," that if you do what's right in front of you and be present in that moment, so many opportunities can present themselves in that "now" that you may miss seeing them while dreaming off into the "what ifs."

ARGH!! So much work. Screw dinner. I just want dessert.