Before that was Cinco de Mayo, more candy - and Mother's Day, more candy - and before that Easter, where that bunny that looks like Jesus rises from the cave and brings baskets of CANDY to one and all who shall not die but have everlasting life... ? And before that the celebration of the cocoa plant, St. Valentine's Day (see former post ).
Well I'm here to inform you that today has been newly dubbed as Day of the Odd Bod on the planet where I live. It's filled with fun house mirrors and bad posture, anything, ANYTHING to accentuate what we do to ourselves with all that flippin candy. This holiday was created on the day of New Releases at the bookstore where I work when the book entitled "Big Belly Fat Cure" hit the bestseller tables - and every kind of bod known to mankind hit the bookstore in search of this miraculous tome. I couldn't keep enough copies on the floor. It has a lot of pages and a special coating on the cover, along with a spiral bound spine so you can easily fold back the pages if you so happen to find a before and after picture that "does it" for you. And the basic premise of this cure is?:
In about 150 stunning pages.
Ugh. What a nightmare. I really couldn't live with myself if I went into detail on who came out of the woodwork in search of this cure, it would just sound too wicked and the karma fairies might come back at me with something unspeakable. Suffice it to say that I felt like Twiggy standing there by my little counter, and I'm up about 12 pounds right now myself.
No body wants to take responsibility for what they put in their mouths, myself included. We just want a free ticket to chomp with abandon, having no price to pay in the end. But there is a price indeed, and it's usually in that gut that we look down at in shock and awe, like, "where did that come from?" Well, it wasn't that bunny or Cupid's fault, right? I mean, would Jesus hold a gun to your head and make you eat? Surely not, I say unto thee.

Tomorrow, I'm going to take a hard look at this candy nest I've been digging for myself and see if perhaps there's another, less destructive way to find my comfort. I'd like to feel a bit healthier and more streamlined next year on Day of the Odd Bod.
But tonight I'm grateful that I still have Willy Wonka's Runts to finish off. Sigh...